It all began with a longing for the past…

As a child, I loved Christmas. And while most children anticipated the holiday season for the gifts, I most looked forward to the decorations and the celebrations. Our home and the homes of my grandparents would come alive with color, lights, music, food, and family. I found the novelty of it all so fascinating.

So you might be surprised to learn that as an adult, I did not decorate or celebrate as much as I thought I would. Sure, I dibbled and dabbled, tried out different trends, and had at least a Christmas tree most years. Nothing, however, ever seemed to feel quite right. I could not manage to recreate that powerfully nostalgic feeling I had for Christmas as a child. Then one day I stumbled upon the world of vintage Christmas decorations and everything just clicked. I had found the color and the sparkle for which I was longing. And I had found the decorations that would let me to create the magic of Christmas I remembered as I child.

Hopefully, I can share a bit of that magic with you.